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Make a Gift From My IRA

Search IRA Rollover Custodians:

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are age 70 ½ and taking required minimum distributions from your IRA this year, you can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to The Ohio University Foundation and reduce your taxes. To make a gift of this type, contact your Individual Retirement Account custodian to issue a check from your IRA payable to The Ohio University Foundation, PO Box 869, Athens OH 45701 and include the tax identification number of 31-6402269.

Benefits of an IRA charitable rollover

  • Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $108,000 from your IRA to The Ohio University Foundation
  • Satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year
  • Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions
  • Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts
  • Help further the work and mission of Ohio University

How an IRA charitable rollover gift works

  1. Contact your IRA custodian to make a gift from your IRA to us.
  2. Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to The Ohio University Foundation.
  3. IRA charitable rollover gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction.
  4. Please note that IRA charitable rollover gifts from "IRA Checkbooks" are not deemed completed until funds are withdrawn from the custodial account. Please remit end of tax year gifts before December 1st to ensure adequate processing time.
  5. Please contact us to let us know the amount of your gift, the designation, and the name of the custodian.

Contact us

Please visit our PDF for detailed instructions on how to make a transfer from your IRA to The Ohio University Foundation.

An IRA charitable rollover is a simple and easy way for you to use your IRA to help Ohio University fulfill our mission of becoming the best student-centered learning experience in America, while also enjoying valuable tax savings this year.

Please contact:
Kelli Kotowski
Executive Director of Gift Planning
202 McGuffey Hall
Athens, OH 45701
740-597-1819 | [email protected] |

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Kelli Kotowski

Assistant Vice President, Gift Planning
The Ohio University Foundation
P.O. Box 869
Athens, OH 45701
[email protected]
740-597-1819 office
740-707-3100 cell
740-593-1432 fax

Tim J. Gartland

Director, Gift Planning
The Ohio University Foundation
P.O. Box 869
Athens, OH 45701
[email protected]
740-593-2235 office
480-297-3032 cell
740-593-1432 fax